Canadian Business | Family Owned and Managed

Empowering Each Other


We believe in business transparency every step of the way. Living up to this value; we give credit to whom credit is due, as we wouldn’t be here without help along the way.

We want you to be a part of every step of our journey. Because it is all those little steps that make the journey complete!

Without further ado; let's start with shining the spotlight onto those thought to be behind the scenes.


  • Products Suppliers:

Bazaar Misr


Furbaby Egypt

Let's Linen

Pronto Scarf

Salma Handmade Accessories

3R Crochet


  • Packaging Suppliers:





The Packaging Company



  • Copywriters:


A passionate and professional writer, editor, and author. Emily helps individuals, consultants, companies and coaches to share their stories in an authentic, genuine way, and can be reached exclusively on Fiverr: Emily_Articles

Adebayo Adetoye

Adebayo stands out as creative with the ability to get into the head of his clients, and paint their thoughts in simple words. He has Master of Arts in creative writing to support his experience on the job, and can be reached on Upwork: Adebayo Adetoye


  • The Generous Photographers:

Sammy Panetta

Sammy helped to put us on the right path when we were starting out learning about photography. He suggested our very first camera and helped us determine shooting preferences, while offering insights, tips and tricks.

Mandy Gleason

Mandy videos have been a phenomenal resource and taught us a great deal about product photography. The founder of Replica Surfaces provides regular instructional education and uses social media as her outlet. She can be found on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.

Peter McKinnon

Peter videos have been an integral resource in learning about camera technicalities and techniques. He is a Canadian Youtuber, photographer and filmmaker, and can be found on his self-titled YouTube channel.


  • The Good Friends!

Alex Hagger

Alex was the first one to give us professional tips starting things up, not to mention writing clear, compelling copy for various mediums.

John Garrick

John's plentiful insights were ticking all the boxes marketing wise and for the little in-between technical details.

Maylee Druve

Coming from fashion background with a great sense of style, Maylee's inputs were very helpful, and gave us a new perspective on how we should be offering some of our catalog items.

Mutasem Abu Hammad

Mutasem helped us outlining our business plan, among other things, he gave us a lot of advice and guidance on our company's structure decision.


  • Apple Bayshore, Ottawa, Canada

We have received an overwhelming amount of advice and support over the years from those working at this store. Some talented people here were a big motivation for us to keep moving forwards.


  • The Balance Small Business

As a new small business in Canada, at many points we sought advice, had questions and/or concerns. The Balance Small Business online library -of over 7,000 articles related to launching and managing a business- helped answer a lot of our related questions.


  • Ontario Works Self Employment Program

The Ontario Works Program works closely with the Business Centre in order to provide you with information, programs, training, and resources for business start-ups or expansions. This program has provided us with ongoing support since we enrolled in. Special thanks to Steven Corkery and Lyn-Ann Lelievre, who have been there for us all the way, sharing all the needed resources to help make this happen.


  • Egypt Team

Ahmed Adel & Moustafa Essam

    “There are three kinds of people: those who make things happen, those who watch what happens, and those who wonder what happened.”

    Both Ahmed and Moustafa are clear communicators with strong organization skills. Fair, kind and respectful to others. They are responsible for managing our logistics in Egypt; they make things happen!