Canadian Business | Family Owned and Managed

Molokhia Recipe

white bowl of Molokhia with some Egyptian bread

Servings: 4


  • 1 frozen package (or 400 grams) of diced Molokhia. Note: Molokhia also comes as whole leaves (even if frozen). You do not want this unless you are making a different kind of preparation such as a Lebanese or Vietnamese version.
  • 6-8 crushed garlic cloves.
  • 4 cups of chicken / chicken flavored vegetable broth. Or just vegetable broth to keep the dish vegetarian. You can also use beef broth, but only if the beef broth is light and freshly made.
  • 1 tablespoon ghee.
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt.
  • 3 teaspoons coriander powder.
  • A pinch of fresh ground black pepper.
  • Bring 4 cups of broth to a boil. Carefully add Molokhia as soon as your broth is about to boil.

  • Bring the broth back up to a mild boil and then just let it simmer over low heat. You do not want to boil this soup very hard. A low simmer is perfect.
  • Stir the molokhia every once in a while to really get the molokhia melted (only about 15-20 minutes).
  • while that is cooking, melt ghee over medium-high heat to prepare the “tash'sha”.
  • Add in 6 crushed cloves of garlic (8 if you really like it garlicky) and saute while stirring frequently until golden brown. Be careful not to burn the garlic! At this point add in the coriander powder and saute together.
  • Once the garlic is ready, bring the pan over the pot with the Molokhia in it and then ladle some of the Molokhia over the garlic. If you get a satisfying sizzle noise, congratulations! You’ve perfectly made the “tashsha”!

Tash’shah is the main signature of Molokhia!

  • Repeat this step so that all of the garlic in the pan is now in the pot.
  • That’s it! Molokhia is ready to be served over some rice or on its own with Egyptian bread or toasted pita bread.


'Bel-hana We-elshefa’

This is how we say ‘Bon Appétit’ in Egypt, means ‘enjoy it with happiness and good health’!


Cook smart!
Food waste is often invisibly baked into how we shop as well as how we cook.

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