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What is GSM in towels?
GSM ‘grams per square metre’ is a metric measurement for the density/weight of a towel. In other words; GSM is how much one square metre of fabric weighs. The higher the GSM number the denser/thicker the fabric becomes.
In knitting fabric; GSM is the main parameter!
It is controlled by loop length. If loop length increases GSM will decrease and vice versa.
Typically towels vary from 300 to 800 GSM. Nevertheless,
600 gsm is the ideal weight for a hotel towel.
At this measurement the towel is very soft and absorbs moisture effectively.
300 - 400 GSM
These towels are lightweight, allowing quicker dry-time.
400 - 600 GSM
Perfect for bath towels and guest towels. This is the ideal medium weight. Each consecutive weight -400, 500 and above gets thicker and more absorbent.
600 - 900 GSM
Considering the premium luxury weight, these towels will be denser, thicker, more absorbent, and would take longer time to dry.
GSM and TC
There's no comparison to be made between GSM and thread count. One measures the weight of a fabric, while the other the number of single threads woven to make that fabric. Read about Thread Count